left My Tech News Blog: Hard Drive Partitioning in Windows Vista

Friday, September 26, 2008

Hard Drive Partitioning in Windows Vista

I was just reading one of my news letters that I get and there was an article on Partitioning the Hard drive or changing the partition sizes within Windows Vista. So I checked it out and it seems to be real easy.

To get to this feature just click on the windows start icon.
in the search box type "Computer Management" then when the computer management screen comes up click on Disk Management

you can find the full store / blog post by clicking here the post has more instructions and screen shots


Anonymous said...

Nice work man..keep it up.

Sealy Posturepedic Mattress said...

Great tip. I was just trying to explain this to my cousin but I was trying to do it in a more complicated way. So I just searched online and found your tip and it's much easier for him to follow. Thanks!

New Jersey Movers said...

Thanks for the tip, I'll keep it in mind next time I need to partition.

debt said...

nice posting, thanks for sharing,,, keep it up!!

fagodiyj said...

and the truth about exactly easy on the same scenario can act to break the hard disk to the operating system Windows 7.