Are you interested in making money online, don’t quit your day or night job yet as building an online income will take time. Well I say it is possible to make that money over time. Don’t just expect it to be there over night. It has taken me time to build two of my blogs up to a PR3 for a page ranking to be exact more like 10 and 11 months both of my blog spot blogs are that old. Well with the page ranking I can get better and better offers though several pay per post programs.. Yes there are people that will pay you to post about their sits with link backs to their site.
Find a good program to get involved in and stick with it, be an active member and work on getting referrals (with out sending out spam) . To get those referrals you have many options other than personal friends, you can use pay to click programs, or pay to read programs.
So in closing the best advice I can give you is to build your online income slow, this way it will be sure to stay there. Build it fast and it could fail.
Ohh I am posting this in all of my current blogs. Which is why you may see it copied elsewhere.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
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