Hey everyone I just came across this site and it is pretty good and it is updated frequently. What you will find on this blog is just like the title of the blog there is a lot of life in general information in there. Check it out at
Saturday, March 17, 2007
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Blog Review (Life in General) |
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Apache Web Server Install |
Wewll I got the Apache Web server installed. I did have problems getting the server to load, So I had to try and install it several times getting the error messages that come up when the install is almost complete. to do this I had to keep editing the httpd.conf file till I got it right and the Apache Service loaded up.
Now some things that you definately have to do durring the install. First off I used the name of the computer for the Network Domain, then on the Server Name I used the computer name with a www. in front of the server name. I then had to put in an email address, this is what caused y install problems I never initialy put in an Administrators email address before moving onto the next step.
My next option was to use the typical install in order to get it all installed just fine. If you want to get the Apache Distribution for your machine you will need to goto http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi
Friday, March 16, 2007
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Blog Review ( A Little of Everything) |
I was surfing some blog's the other day and came across one for which the title is (A little of Everything). I read through the blog and there is a lot of info there so if you want check it out. You can find it here: http://alittleofeverything-cristlegirl.blogspot.com/
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PHP 5.1.4 Install |
Well I just installed PHP 5.1.4 and that was quite easy. I just got the *.zip file and unziped all files to a directory c:\php and that was it.
Next I had to add c:\php to the path of a windows 2000 machine it is done like this
On Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003:
1)Go to Control Panel and open the System icon (Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System, or just Start -> Control Panel -> System for Windows XP/2003)
2)Go to the Advanced tab
3)Click on the 'Environment Variables' button
4)Look into the 'System Variables' pane
5)Find the Path entry (you may need to scroll to find it)
6)Double click on the Path entry
7)Enter your PHP directory ant the end, including ';' before (e.g. ;C:\php)
8)Press OK and restart your computer
Thursday, March 15, 2007
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Blog Review (I'm really just doing this for a Class) |
Hey there I just came across this blog, This author is taking a class on computer programing, and the pre-req was to create and maintain a blog. Reviewing the blog he has some good posts all comming from a different perspective. It is good reading and I enjoyed it. Check it out at
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MySQL Installation |
To day I installed the first part. I went and installed the windows version of MySQL the program installed fairly easy. This was installed on a Windows 2000 machine. When I installed it I accepted the following prompts.
Typical Install, after the install then I selected configure the MySQL server now and then the Finish. Was then prompted to select the server instance configuration wizard which I selected the server machine and the default path for this install.
I then set up the networking part. With a default port of 3306 the other mode was disable or enable strict mode. I took the strict mode for now I can at least learn with the strict mode and change later if I want. I then selected to install as a service and I also included the bin directory in the path for working from the command line with MySQL. I then set the password and I didn’t set up the anonymous account. I was trying to be secure about it. The last part is clicking the finish button.
Here is where you can download MySQL installation.
Look for Windows Downloads then download the Windows Essentials file it should have a *.msi file extension.
The next part will be on installing Apache
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
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Blog Review (Pastor JR's blog) |
Well I just came across a good blog it has a little bit of everything on it. Check it out at
Pastor JR's blog
Monday, March 12, 2007
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Blog Review (Mom Is Teaching) |
Well I was just checking this blog out and found this great blog The title of it is Mom is Teaching. Reading through it and a lot of its posts, there is a lot of good informaiton on home schooling. Even if your not into home schooling it has good informaition that you can use to help out your child. Here is the link http://momisteaching.com/
Sunday, March 11, 2007
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Daylight Savings time |
I hope everyone out there got your PC (windows machines) with updated software for the new daylight savings time. If you didnt you still need to get that update. you can find a link to it elseware in this blog it is under the Month of FEB
Well I went back and found the link you can get the update here for your system