left My Tech News Blog: Apache Web Server Install

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Apache Web Server Install

Wewll I got the Apache Web server installed. I did have problems getting the server to load, So I had to try and install it several times getting the error messages that come up when the install is almost complete. to do this I had to keep editing the httpd.conf file till I got it right and the Apache Service loaded up.

Now some things that you definately have to do durring the install. First off I used the name of the computer for the Network Domain, then on the Server Name I used the computer name with a www. in front of the server name. I then had to put in an email address, this is what caused y install problems I never initialy put in an Administrators email address before moving onto the next step.

My next option was to use the typical install in order to get it all installed just fine. If you want to get the Apache Distribution for your machine you will need to goto http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi