left My Tech News Blog: Disabling Downloads

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Disabling Downloads

A question came across while I was browsing mylot so I figured I would put my answer to that question here. First off you need to get to the internet options screen probably under the tools dropdown menu. in most IE versions.

When you pull up ith internet options screen it will look like this.

you will see that I have my secutity set to medium. What I have to do is click on customize.

you will see by this screen that I have found the download section under the customize option, you will see I have download inabled, now if you want the disabled you just need to click on the disable button and then save. now when something needs to download it wont untill you go back and change that option back. Now there is the other option which I have disabled is change the automatic prompting and it will prompt you before you do a download.