left My Tech News Blog: Camera Collector

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Camera Collector

This is a great site to do other shopping also; you can find stuff from computers, clothing men’s and women’s, outdoor stuff, and even some electronic stuff. Whatever you’re looking for you can price compare different sites here just looking around saw items from tiger direct, to amazon, so this might be a great place to find some good deals!

I was looking around and found this great site with all sorts of camera’s from the Polaroid instant cameras, to SLR film camera’s most of these cameras are antiques, and quite pricy here but it is the only site I have found with the old cameras. The Camera’s here are of all makes, and models, or most makes and models. Note these cameras are all film cameras I didn’t see a digital camera listed here

1 Comment:

Mobile app development said...

Well, you are right, the site you found is excellent...